Welcome to Andrew Acupuncture.
Andrew Acupuncture has the effectiveness of various health conditions through acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). All patients who come to the clinic are provided high-level clinical services for quick recovery.
Dr. Andrew Chung
TCM Doctor, R.Ac., B.Sc.
Dr. Andrew is a registered TCM doctor in BC. He has practiced Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine since 2020. He makes individualized treatment plans for each patient. This focuses on managing symptoms in the short term and treating the root cause of the problem in the long term, which helps to maintain the therapeutic effect for a long time.
On a daily basis Dr. Andrew treats pain, sport injuries, stress, insomnia, depression, skin issues, women's health and many more. Treating pain syndrome, digestive issues are among his favorite conditions because the outcomes are impressive. Dr. Andrew often intergrates various other modalities in his treatment protocol to help bring optimal results to his patients. Acupuncture, TCM herbal medicine, guasha, cupping, and trigger point therapy are just some of the modalities he uses in his practice.
Educational background
2021-2023 Doctor of TCM degree from Tzu Chi International College of TCM
2018-2019 TCMP degree from Tzu Chi International College of TCM
2016-2018 Acupuncture degree (Hons) from PCU College of Holistic Medicine
Bachelor of Science from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
TCM Instructor
2022-present TCM and Acupuncture Instructor at VCC
Professional membership
Registered member of College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia (CTCMA)